Dr Katy Hill's Parental Burnout Quiz


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When you download the parental burnout quiz, you'll...

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Download my parental burnout quiz and you'll quickly learn whether you are currently at no, moderate or high risk of being in parental burnout.

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I'll send you 3 daily helpful emails full of expert tips on how to reduce your parental burnout score and move towards happier parenting.

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Dr Katy Hill in her therapy chair smiling


I'm KatY hill

I’m a clinical psychologist with a special interest (and training) in the prevention and treatment of parental burnout.

I’m also a mum of three children who knows all too well how stressful parenthood can be.

I support busy parents who want to reduce stress, handle difficult emotions and enjoy their children more.

I designed the parental burnout quiz to help you identify what your current parenting stress levels are and make a plan to reduce them.  

Let’s take your first step towards happier, calmer parenting…

Dr Katy Hill's Parental Burnout Quiz

sign up to get YOUR QUIZ and move towards happier, calmer parenting